full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Tara Djokic: This ancient rock is changing our theory on the origin of life

Unscramble the Blue Letters

A clue to this puzzle again comes from the ancient rock record. At about 2.5 billion years ago, there is evidence that bacteria had begun to produce oxygen, kind of like plants do today. Geologists refer to the period that followed as the Great Oxidation Event. It is implied from rocks called bneadd iron formations, many of which can be observed as hundreds-of-meter-thick packages of rock which are exposed in gorges that cvrae their way through the Karijini ntanoail Park in wtesern Australia. The aairvrl of free oxygen aollewd two major changes to ocucr on our planet.

Open Cloze

A clue to this puzzle again comes from the ancient rock record. At about 2.5 billion years ago, there is evidence that bacteria had begun to produce oxygen, kind of like plants do today. Geologists refer to the period that followed as the Great Oxidation Event. It is implied from rocks called ______ iron formations, many of which can be observed as hundreds-of-meter-thick packages of rock which are exposed in gorges that _____ their way through the Karijini ________ Park in _______ Australia. The _______ of free oxygen _______ two major changes to _____ on our planet.


  1. western
  2. allowed
  3. arrival
  4. banded
  5. occur
  6. national
  7. carve

Original Text

A clue to this puzzle again comes from the ancient rock record. At about 2.5 billion years ago, there is evidence that bacteria had begun to produce oxygen, kind of like plants do today. Geologists refer to the period that followed as the Great Oxidation Event. It is implied from rocks called banded iron formations, many of which can be observed as hundreds-of-meter-thick packages of rock which are exposed in gorges that carve their way through the Karijini National Park in Western Australia. The arrival of free oxygen allowed two major changes to occur on our planet.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
billion years 7
ancient rocks 2
western australia 2
fossil record 2
ancient rock 2
early earth 2
hot springs 2
complex life 2

Important Words

  1. allowed
  2. ancient
  3. arrival
  4. australia
  5. bacteria
  6. banded
  7. begun
  8. billion
  9. called
  10. carve
  11. clue
  12. event
  13. evidence
  14. exposed
  15. formations
  16. free
  17. geologists
  18. gorges
  19. great
  20. implied
  21. iron
  22. karijini
  23. kind
  24. major
  25. national
  26. observed
  27. occur
  28. oxidation
  29. oxygen
  30. packages
  31. park
  32. period
  33. planet
  34. plants
  35. produce
  36. puzzle
  37. record
  38. refer
  39. rock
  40. rocks
  41. today
  42. western
  43. years